Liquid Biofertilizer for foliar application (NFB).
Contents : Azotobacter chroococcum.
Use : Foliar Spray.
Diseases Conditions or Disease Names : NA.
Application Methods :
- Ultra low size droplets spray for maximum coverage.
- Spray on both sides of leaves.
- As Elicitomone improves the growth by PGPS it is better to keep optimum soil nutritional status.
Benefits to soil / Benefits to plants :
- Increased Vegetative vigor by PGPS action.
- Improved flowering and fruiting by PGPS action.
- Profuse root development.
- Supply of vital plant metabolites like vitamins od “B’’ group, plant hormones and amino acid which are absorbed easily by the levels.
Supplementary Products : Taba.
Application Season : Kharif and Rabi.
Keywords and Tags : Biofertilizer, N fixing bacteria, NFB.
Target crops : Grapes, pomegranate, onion, Vegetables.