Need to Promote Carbon Credits for Farmers Which the Industries can Buy

Ms. Sandeepa Kanitkar, Chairperson & MD Kan Biosys and Vice-Chair of Biological Agri Solutions Association of India (BASAI) shared her views on the Budget 21-22. She stated that the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaramam laid out a moderate budget for agriculture. Focus is growth and stability in policy and reforms. Unlike expectations from the general public […]
Use of Bio-Fertilizes For Crop Production & Soil Fertility

Green revolution was the product of use of hybrid seeds, irrigation and most important chemical fertilizers. All these increased the yields wonderfully and transformed India from a ship to mouth economy to a country self-sufficient in food. Year after year the yields increased until they started plateauing after 1980�s. The reason was primarily attributed to […]
Can organic pave the way for establishing reverse value chains in India

We missed the bus for India to be a food/fiber processing nation since 1947. When more than 70% of the people were dependent on agriculture our focus should have been aiming for food security. But it took us almost 3 decades after independence to wake up to feed hungry mouths. India has achieved food security […]