Sudo is an eco-friendly biological fungicide containing Pseudomonas fluorescent.effective against a wide variety of seed and soil borne plant pathogenic fungi. It is found to increase the germination percentage, enhance the growth of groundnut crops.
Application Methods
Mix the wettable powder at the rate of 2.5g/lit of water & spray on the leaves and drench near the root zone or apply through drip.
Diseases Conditions or Disease Names:
Seed, soil borne pathogenic fungi.
Late leaf blight of groundnut.
Prevention & control of fungal infections of crops (soil & foliar).
Zero Pre-harvest interval (PHI).
Residue free.
Compatible with chemical fungicides in tank mix concentration.
Useful for both conventional & organic farming.
Prevents frost damage to crops.
Organic certified.
Additional information
2kg/1 acre through broadcasting., 5gm/litre water through spray